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This time last year we had just moved into our home, boxes were piled to the ceiling and I remember feeling a little down about not putting up a tree for the boys to bring in Christmas the traditional way that I felt that we were accustomed to. At that moment I realized I needed to pull everyone together to have a conversation and create a new way of celebrating that would alleviate me from guilt and overextending myself during the holidays in the future. 

I was used to staying up late decorating, wrapping gifts, ripping, and running to stores to make sure that everyone had whatever they wanted but it all became too much for me and I decided 2020 would be my last year exhausting myself mentally, physically, and financially. 

This year I kept my promise to myself and I feel really good about setting boundaries and sticking to them. I put up the tree and used everything that I unpacked from my previous home to avoid overspending on bulbs and decorations. In addition to that! I set a gift budget and didn’t go over it to make sure I could stay on track with my personal goals to manage my debt going into a new year. Change is not easy but necessary especially when it brings you peace.

My gift to myself this year is spending as much time as possible with my family and relaxing.

How do you plan on spending your holiday?

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